Frosty, Festive February in Woodstock, VT

Jackson House Inn, Woodstock Vermont

winter-wonderlandDid you just turn the page on your calendar?  Find the best way to enjoy February in Vermont – a visit to Woodstock for a special getaway.  With easy access to cross-country and snowshoe trails, snowmobile rides, dogsledding and, of course, downhill skiing – embrace winter!  Special holiday offerings add to an even better New England experience.

The perfect Valentine’s Day dinner awaits at Cloudland Farm in North Pomfret where Chef Nick Mahood is preparing a special multi-course dinner on Friday the 14th.  This 1000-acre farm’s dining room, built from white pine harvested on the property, lies just north of Woodstock and was recognized by Yankee Magazine in 2013 as the Best Farm-to-Table experience in Vermont!  Products from the farm itself take center stage on a set menu served usually on Thursdays and Saturdays (dietary options can be requested in advance). A must-do during a visit at any time of year!image_432

Then stay for the weekend and see amazing snow creations on the Woodstock Village Green during the Presidents’ Day holiday as the Vermont Flurry Snow Sculpture Festival takes center stage.  Teams construct stunning pieces of art (weather dependent).  Or, take a ride through local fields at Billings Farm and Museum during their Sleigh Ride Week, scheduled for Feb. 15 – 23.  Return to the Visitors’ Center and farmhouse to sample presidential cookie favorites.

And, new this year, a month-long celebration of jazz titled “Satchmuration” culminates on the weekend of February 21 – 23 with Jazz Revolutionaries Weekend.  The life and music of Louis Armstrong takes over the town with concerts, lectures, a special dinner and a Sunday stage performance at Town Hall.


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